Posted on 08/07/2020 in Latest stories, News

Keep the centre Covid-19 secure

With the Community Centre now able to re-open, guidelines have been prepared for the safety of potential users and management.

These guidelines have been developed, with formal guidance, to try and ensure that anyone within the community centre will be kept as safe as possible regarding Covid-19.

There is a limit of 4 people only within the entrance foyer where a table is equipped with sanitiser – PLEASE SANITISE YOUR HANDS UPON ENTERING THE CENTRE. We request registration as a contact measure should an attendee at the centre develop Covid-19. We will then be able to contact other attendees at the same event to inform them of the situation. This information will not be made public and the information will be destroyed 21 days after the event, for your data protection. Contact surfaces are sanitised daily.

There are lined bins for the safe disposal of used tissues – ‘catch it, kill it , bin it’

We also request your common sense regarding the corridor that leads to the toilets and the small meeting room. This is narrow, if possible, please allow a person already in the corridor to exit before venturing down to your destination.
Toilets are single person use, unless accompanying a young child or disabled person, with a lock fitted on the main entrance door.

To read the guidelines please CLICK HERE